Documents Needed

Driving License Exchange

  • 4 photos and Signing digitized version (passport size: “e-photo”)
  • Original + colored copy of driving License R°/V°
  • Colored copy of passport
  • Colored copy of carte de séjour R°/V°
  • 2 Proof of address (electricity and phone bill for exemple)
  • Attestation from your country’s local authorities saying you are not under any suspension or violation of your driving license.

Driving License Test

  • 4 photos and Signing digitized version (passport size: “e-photo”)
  • Original + colored copy of driving License R°/V°
  • Colored copy of passport
  • Colored copy of carte de séjour R°/V°
  • 2 Proof of address (electricity and phone bill for exemple)
  • 2 « lettres de suivie » 50GR (available in post offices) 

Ephoto - What is it?

Ephoto: digital photo ID for online driving license applications

It is now necessary to apply online for a driving license via a dedicated web platform. In partnership with the Ministère de l’Intérieur and the Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés,  Photomaton® has deployed a new ephoto service in most of its photographic booths. By selecting this service, it is now possible to transfer your photo ID and signature to a secure server. The printed sheet includes a unique ephoto number, 4 ICAO-compliant ID photos, and the procedure for applying online for a driver's license. Entering this ephoto number during this process allows you to include your photo ID and signature in your driver's license application.

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